Gas exchange measurements rely on the basic principle that changes in CO2 and H2O concentrations are determined when air passes through a climate controlled chamber containing a plant sample.
The GFS-3000 is suitable for controlled laboratory settings as well as demanding field conditions.
The GFS-3000 perfectly complements with other Walz systems giving access to numerous aspects of photosynthesis research.
The Portable Gas-Exchange and Fluorescence System GFS-3000 enables wide range climate control. All environmental parameters relevant for plant photosynthesis (CO2, H2O, temperature, light, ventilation and flow) can be controlled automatically and over the full physiological range.
Optional fluorescence modules further expand the system’s capability. Experimental protocols for automatic light-curves or automatic CO2-curves can be easily programmed.
• Control Unit 3100‐C containing the CO2 and H2O analyzer, as well as all components required for the CO2, H2O and flow control
• Standard Measuring Head 3010‐S featuring high application flexibility containing the ventilation system, temperature and light control
• LED Light Source 3041-L with warm white LED array providing up to 10 cm2 homogenous illumination
• AC Power Supply 3020‐N for laboratory use
• Two LiFePO4 Battery Units 3035‐A for field work and Battery Charger LC‐03
• LED‐Array/PAM‐Fluorometer 3056‐FL for illumination of the leaf area and fluorescence measurements
• Fiberoptics PAM‐Fluorometer 3050‐F to analyze fluorescence in sunlight
• Miscellaneous accessories such as cuvettes and adapter plates offering user‐specific application options
• Accessories for product combinations with other Walz systems
Also, the complete equipment will be modified on customer request.
The modified system package GFS‐3000FL contains the LEDArray/ PAM‐Fluorometer 3056‐FL instead of the LED Light Source 3041‐L. All other components remain the same as in the basic system package GFS‐3000. In terms of price, GFS‐3000FL offers an interesting option to combine gas exchange and fluorescence measurements.
all components required for the CO2, H2O and flow control.
多功能連結插槽,可與Standard Measuring Head3010-S,DUAL-PAM氣體交換套件3010-DUAL或3010-GWK1連結。
3個電池槽,使用Li-Ion eSMART鋰電池(單個14.4V/6.8Ah)。
主電源Unit 3200-Nor 3200/BC adapter,12V或24V電池。
Comp(RS 485)連結附件或是3010/I-Box與外部電腦連接。
電源由2塊LiFePO4 Batteries 3035-A提供,也可使用AC Power Supply Unit 3020-N,或是DC (12-24 V)進行供電。
Close-up: Control Unit 3200-C
CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer
CO2範圍:同時進行絕對和差異測量,絕對範圍0 ~ 5000 ppm / 20 cm槽長 / 單槽容積6 cm3 / 氣填式偵測方式。
H2O範圍:同時進行絕對和差異測量,絕對範圍0 ~ 75000 ppm / 20 cm槽長 / 單槽容積6 cm3 /熱電探測器(固態)。
絕對模式最大雜訊:< 0.2 ppm CO2 / < 30 ppm H2O
解析度:0.01 ppm CO2 / 1 ppm H2O
CO2 absolute:在0 ~ 600ppm之間的最大誤差12 ppm,600~3000 ppm之間,測量值的2 %。
Deviation of differential CO2 zero with changing CO2: Typ.少於0.5ppm。
H2O absolute: 在0 ~ 15000ppm之間330ppm,當大於15000ppm時2%測量值。
Deviation of differential H2O zero with changing H2O:Typ.少於150ppm。
Other Specifications of the Control Unit 3100-C
氣動延遲:在標準流速下,分析儀與Standard Measuring Head3010-S之間的延遲時間為2.5秒。
質量流速範圍:熱質量流速計,0~1500 μmol s-1,精度±1%。
操控介面:具640 x 480 解析度的彩色螢幕(螢幕尺寸13cm x 10cm,具背光可於陽光下瀏覽)的Panel PC MS-98FG/1.83 GHz,包含2個USB插槽和揚聲器。
CO2控制方式:整合的CO2控制範圍為0 ~ 3000 ppm,通過二氧化碳氣瓶供應二氧化碳(8 g CO2,在350 ppm的條件下可提供超過48小時的連續供應,儲量指示)或通過帶減壓器的CO2氣瓶。
測量和計算數據包含: CO2絕對值、H2O絕對值、流量值、週遭壓力、2x AUX值、樣品槽溫度(上部與下部)、葉溫、環境溫度、樣品槽上部PAR值、樣品槽下部PAR值、外置PAR值、葉輪頻率、蒸散速率、VPD、H2O導度、淨光合作用、內部CO2濃度。
與LED-Array/PAM Fluorometer 3056‑FL (GFS-3000FL)結合使用,可以重新計算存儲的數據:Fo, Fm, Fm', F, Fo', Fv/Fm (max. PS II quantum yield), DF/Fm' = Y(II) (effective PS II quantum yield), Y(NPQ), qP, qL, qN, NPQ, ETR (i.e. PAR x DF/Fm'),可以與其他Fo和Fm重新計算存儲的數據。
電源:2個可現場替換的充電鋰電池 14.4V/6.8Ah (000160101434, 附件包含4節電池),或是使用AC Power Supply 3200‑N,便於實驗室操作。Control Unit 3200-C也可以直接使用12V或24V的電池運行(僅可使用我們提供的選配電池電纜3200-C/BC)。
續航時間:2節Li-ion eSMART電池可持續使用3~4.5小時,4節Li-ion eSMART電池可持續使用6~9小時。
外觀:43 cm x 29.5 cm x 26 cm (L x W x H)
重量:12.3 kg (含2節 Li-ion eSMART鋰電池)。
AC Power Supply 3200-N
輸出電壓:16 V DC
輸出功率:135 W (取決於版本,請參見標籤)。
主電源:100~240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
工作溫度:0~60 °C(取決於版本,請參見標籤)。
外觀:20 cm x 8 cm x 5.5 cm (L x W x H),插入電池槽後15.3 cm x 7.9 cm x 2.3 cm (L x W x H), 電纜長 90 cm。
重量:1.07 kg
Interface 3010 I/Box
設計:有電氣隔離的USB-RS485轉換器和連接電纜。用於在COMP插槽和PC的USB端口之間建立連接。還適用於直接操作Standard Measuring Head3010-S,DUAL-PAM氣體交換樣品槽3010-DUAL,氣體交換室3010-GWK1,LED-Panel RGBW-L084或Control Units 3000-C,帶有外部PC的3100-C或3200-C。
外觀:盒子:8 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm連接電纜30cm,
設備電纜:1.5 m。
Li-ion eSMART Battery 14.4 V/6.8 Ah (000160101434)
標稱電壓:14.4 V
額定電容量:6.8 Ah
工作溫度:-5~60°C (放電),0~45°C (充電)。
儲存溫度:-20~60°C, < 80%RH
外觀:5.3 cm x 7.9 cm x 2.3 cm (L x W x H)
重量:0.45 kg
Li-Ion eSMART Battery Charger (000160101115)
輸入電壓:90-240 AC input /150 W
單托架最大放電電流:2 A
單電池充電時間:3~4 h
主電源:100~240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
外觀:27 cm x 17.6 cm x 5.3 cm
重量:1.6 kg
Easy data transfer and WiFi communication
Internal panel-PC running GFS-Win
Silica gel, humidifier granules and soda lime for H2O and CO2 control
Flow Chart of the GFS-3000
小容量樣品槽(40 mL)的通用測量頭,寬範圍的溫度控制和良好的通氣效果。訂製樣品槽的電子和可拆卸,上下樣品槽各自有一個葉輪,可根據不同葉面積更換合適的轉接板,樣品槽也可以擴充成不同體積和形狀(小圓柱體或立方體),以便量測苔癬、地衣或針葉植物。
電纜插槽可以連接Control Unit 3100-C、LED Light Source 3041-L或是擴充模組(如LEDArray/ PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL)。
樣品槽溫度(在上部和下部樣品槽各自的出風口中),環境溫度:Pt 100 type A, 範圍-10~50 °C,精度 ±0.1 °C
直接設定樣品槽內的溫度,其範圍為環境溫度的-10~50 °C
葉片溫度範圍:熱電偶式,範圍-10~50 °C,精度±0.2 °C
外置小型量子感應器:迷你量子感應器MQS-B/GFS裝設於Standard Measuring Head 3010-S的上方。可調的PAR量測數值,範圍0~3000μmol m-2 s-1PAR精度±5%,餘弦補償(測量光合作用光子通量密度PPFD)。
內部光源感應器:可調的PAR量測數值,範圍0~3000μmol m-2 s-1PAR,精度±10%,兩個感應器,上、下部樣品槽內各有一個感應器。
葉片面積:標準8 cm2,可替換成1~10 cm2的轉接板,形狀彈性。
樣品槽體積:40 cm3
工作溫度:-5~45 °C
外觀:31 cm x 7 cm x 13 cm (L x W x H)
重量:1.6 kg (包含2m電纜和管路)
Standard Measuring Head 3010-S
LED Light Source 3041-L
光強度:範圍0~ca. 3000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR max。
光分佈的均一性:樣品90 %面積內±7 %。
葉片面積:標準 8 cm2至 10 cm2。
功耗:5.3 W mac ,透過Standard Measuring Head 3010-S供電。
工作溫度:-5~45 °C
外觀:7.5 cm x 4.5 cm x 5.5 cm (L x W x H)
重量:196 g
Lichens/Mosses Cuvette 3010-V32 here used to measure gas exchange of a small animal
Standard Measuring Head 3010-S closed and open
Standard Measuring Head 3010-S with LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL mounted on a tripod
LED Light Source 3041-L (left) and LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL (right)
Lichens/Mosses Cuvette 3010-V40
Conifer Cuvette 3010-V80
Arabidopsis Chamber 3020-A
Cuvette-modification on customer request
Standard Measuring Head 3010-S mounted on a tripod
Leaf area adapters
LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL
量測光:藍光LED(470 nm),調變頻率 5~60 Hz和1.2 kHz(於飽和脈衝期間)。
光化光:藍光LED(470nm)和紅光LED(630nm),範圍 0~2500 μmol m-2 s-1PAR,typ. 90%紅光和10%藍光。
飽和光:紅光LED(630nm),typ. 8000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR
葉片面積:8 cm2
功耗:15W max (在飽和脈衝期間),透過Standard Measuring Head 3010-S供電。
工作溫度:-5~45 °C
外觀:7.5 cm x 6 cm x 6.5 cm (L x W x H)
重量:220 g
LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL connected to the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S
LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL
LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL illuminating 8 cm2 leaf area
For the determination of the maximum fluorescence signal (Fm), the leaf needs to be dark acclimated. The additional light-weight Dark Leaf Clips 3010-DLC, with positioning aid and sliding shutters, made from sun reflecting material, fit to the measuring area Of the 3010-S.
Dark Leaf Clips 3010-DLC
The system package GFS-3000FL contains the same components as the system package GFS-3000, except that it includes the LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL instead of the LED Light Source 3041-L.
System Package GFS-3000FL (includes LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL)
Fiberoptics PAM-Fluorometer 3050-F connected to the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S
Fiberoptics PAM-Fluorometer 3050-F connected to the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S
For the determination of the maximum fluorescence signal (Fm), the leaf needs to be dark acclimated. The additional light-weight Dark Leaf Clips 3010-DLC, with positioning aid and sliding shutters, made from sun reflecting material, fit to the measuring area Of the 3010-S.
Dark Leaf Clips 3010-DLC
IMAGING-PAM MINI-Head connected with snap-on mount (Adapter IMAG-MIN/GFS)
To the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S
IMAGING-PAM MINI-Head connected to the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S modified with the Arabidopsis Chamber 3010-A
The IMAGING-PAM M-Series MINI version can be equipped with the Adapter IMAG-MIN/GFS, so that it connects to the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S with a simple but firm snap-on mount. This connection even enables imaging of objects located in various specialized cuvettes.
IMAGING-PAM MAXI-Head combined with Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1
On the larger scale, imaging can be carried out using an IMAGING-PAM M-Series MAXI version in combination with the large-spaced Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1. This facilitates climate controlled imaging over an area of 10 x 13 cm2 supplemented by Gas exchange analysis.
The software of both systems (GFS-Win and ImagingWin) operate in synchrony on one laptop exchanging data between each other. This allows automatic imaging during light curves or CO2-curves controlled by GFS-Win.
Software GFS-Win and ImagingWin running in synchrony exchanging data. Image names are stored in the gas exchange file.
Software GFS-Win and ImagingWin running in synchrony exchanging data between each other. Image names are stored in the gas exchange file.
The most sophisticated combination of Walz instruments is the GFS-3000, together with the P700 & Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measuring System DUAL-PAM-100, using the specially designed DUAL-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL.
This novel setup is the first commercially available system allowing simultaneous analysis of PS I and PS II photochemistry simultaneously with CO2 gas exchange.
GFS-3000 with DUAL-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL and DUAL-PAM-100
GFS-3000 with DUAL-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL and DUAL-PAM-100
The cuvette 3010-DUAL enables control of temperature and gas composition. Hence, the wide range of information provided by the DUAL-PAM-100 can be obtained under climate controlled conditions concurrent with gas exchange data.
The small area of the cuvette 3010-DUAL (1.3 cm2), makes it very suitable for experiments on single Arabidopsisleaves. Also the P515/535 Emitter and Detector, which enable the DUAL-PAM-100 to measure the electro-chromic carotenoid shift and “light scattering”, is compatible with the cuvette 3010-DUAL.
DUAL-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL
DUAL-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL
DUAL-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL
Leaf temperature sensor in the DUAL-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL
Screen-shot of the DualPAM software showing the effect of increasing CO2 on the P700 (blue trace) and chlorophyll fluorescence signal (red trace); temperature: 30°C, photosynthetically active radiation: 660 μmol m-2 s-1
The Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1 can be operated with the GFS-3000, replacing the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S. The top of the chamber can be
designed according to customer request.
The gas-exchange chamber provides a big range in temperature control: More than 10 K below ambient temperature and up to 50°C. The top of the chamber can be designed according to customer request.
Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1
The area of the Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1 is designed to match the imaging area of the IMAGING-PAM M-Series Maxi version.
Please consider using 3010-GWK1 in combination
with the GFS-3000, that the maximum flow of the
GFS-3000 is 1.9 l/min. Leaf samples producing too
much humidity can limit the systems capabilities.
Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1, top view showing sample area and sensors
The LED-Panel RGBW-L084 complements the Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1. Individually adjustable colors red, green, blue and white with high power LEDs illuminate together with a maximum output of 2000 μmol
m-2 s-1 PAR or better.
Changing light conditions with LED-Panel RGBW-L084
Color screen with touch panel, well readable in sunlight
Settings window for easy determination of measuring conditions
Dialog box to set H2O value
Chart window displaying results measured by GFS-3000 equipped with the LED-Array/PAM Fluorometer 3056-FL
Interface Box establishing a connection between the socket COMP and the USB-port of a PC. Suitable for direct operation of the Standard Measuring Heads 3010-S, the Dual-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL, the Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1 or the Control Units 3000-C or 3100-C by an external PC
Accessories for the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S
Leaf Area Adapters
3010-4.5x2.22 Leaf Area Adapter 10 cm2 (4.5 x 2.22 cm)
3010-0.5x2.5 Leaf Area Adapter 1.25 cm2 (0.5 x 2.5 cm)
3010-1x4 Leaf Area Adapter 4 cm2 (1 x 4 cm)
3010-2.19x1.14 Leaf Area Adapter 2.5 cm2 (2.19 x 1.14 cm)
3010-2.19x1.14C Leaf Area Adapter 2.5 cm2 located at the corner (2.19 x 1.14 cm)
3010-2.58x1.93 Leaf Area Adapter 5 cm2 (2.58 x 1.93 cm)
3010-2x4 Leaf Area Adapter 8 cm2 (2 x 4 cm)
3010-R3 round Leaf Area Adapter 3 cm2 (Ø 1,95 cm)
Various Cuvettes
Lichens/Mosses Cuvette 3010-V32
Lichens/Mosses Cuvette 3010-V40
Conifers Cuvette 3010-V80
Arabidopsis Chamber 3010-A
Compact Tripod ST-1010
Stable tripod for mounting the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S
Accessories for Fluorescence Components
Dark Leaf Clips 3010-DLC
For the determination of the maximum fluorescence signal (Fm), the leaf needs to be dark acclimated. The light-weight dark leaf clips, with positioning aid and sliding shutters, made from sun reflecting material, fit to the measuring area of the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S.
Oxygen Sensor 3085-O2
In chlorophyll-fluorescence research, experiments are sometimes performed at decreased oxygen concentrations to avoid photorespiration. The optical oxygen sensor 3085-O2 plugs directly into the gas pathway of the GFS-3000 to record actual oxygen concentrations;
Leaf Area Adapter 3010-F-2010
Adapter for attachment of the Special Fiberoptics 2010-F (see PAM-2500) to the GFS-3000. Leaf area: 8 cm2
Miniature Fiberoptics MINI-PAM
Fiberoptics for connection of the MINI-PAM to the GFS-3000. Active diameter 1.5 mm, length 1.5 m, including adapter for the attachment to the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S.
Accessories for System Combinations
Adapter plate necessary to couple the IMAGING-PAM M-Series MINI version with the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S.
Adapter to couple the IMAGING-PAM M-Series MAXI version with the Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1.
DUAL‐PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette
Gas exchange cuvette designed for simultaneous measurements of gas exchange and PSI /PS II photochemistry
Accessories concerning power
LiFePO4 Battery 3035-A
Power supply for the GFS-3000 in the field, included in the system package GFS-3000 and GFS-3000FL. Operating time: 3 - 4.5 hours. Power: 12.8 V / 15 Ah (2x 7.5 Ah).
Battery Charger LC-03
For simultaneous recharging of 2 LiFePO4 Batteries 3035-A, included in the system package GFS-3000 and GFS-3000FL
DC-DC Converter 3020-DC (for Control
For supplying power to the Control Unit model 3000-C from an external DC (12-24V, e.g. car battery), which has no special connectors. Input voltage 9-32 V, output current max. 6 A with under voltage and over temperature protection.
Battery Cable 3100-C/BC (for Control
For supplying voltage to the Control Unit model 3100-C from an external DC (12-24V, e.g. car battery), which has no special connectors
Additional accessoires
Outdoor-Set 3000-C/OS
Consisting of sun protection shield for control unit, buffer vessel 10 l, with holding net, fiber glass antenna 2.5 m and tubing.
Control Unit 3000-C with Insert for Drier
If the system shall be operated in extremely humid environments, an insert for silica gel can be built into the housing of the Control Unit 3000-C.
LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3056-FL |
Fiberoptics PAM-Fluorometer 3050-F |
Measuring light: |
Blue LEDs (470 nm), modulation frequency 5 to 60 Hz and 1.2 kHz (during saturation pulse) |
Blue LED (peak: 450 nm), modulation frequency: 10 and 500 Hz. PAR at 2 mm distance and ML-Ampl. 10: Ca. 0.3 μmol m-2 s-1 with low frequency, 15 μmol m-2 s-1 with high frequency |
Actinic light: |
Blue LEDs (470 nm) and red LEDs (630 nm), range 0 to 2500 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR, typ. 90% red and 10% blue |
Saturation light: |
Red LEDs (630 nm), typ 8000 μmol m-2 s-1PAR |
Blue LED (peak: 450 nm). At 1 mm distance: Typ. 11000 μmol m-2 s-1. At 2 mm: Typ. 6000 μmol m-2 s-1 |
Far-red light |
Far-red LEDs (peak: 740 nm) |
LED (peak: 730 nm) |
Signal detection |
PIN-photodiode protected by long-pass filter (> 660 nm), selective window amplifier |
PIN-photodiode protected by a long pass filter (transmission=50% typ. at 645 nm), selective window amplifier |
Leaf area |
8 cm2 |
Power consumption |
15 W max. (during saturating light pulse), power supply via Standard Measuring Head 3010-S |
0.25 W continuously, 6.5 W (during saturating light pulse), supplied via Standard Measuring Head 3010-S |
Operating temperature |
-5 to 45 °C |
Dimensions |
7.5 cm x 6 cm x 6.5 cm (L x W x H) |
light guide: Length: 21 cm,diameter: 1.5 mm housing: Length: 20 cm,diameter: 3 cm |
Weight |
220 g |
150 g |
picture |