MINI-PAM-II”新”葉片夾、”新”功能 – 讓實驗更深入、讓數據更完整
MINI-PAM-II/POROMETER 提供有關植物葉片水分蒸發和氣孔導度的精確資訊。它是MINI-PAM-II的新型葉夾。氣孔導度和葉綠素-a螢光是描述光合活性的兩個重要參考指標。光照和乾旱逆境都可以透過該相關設備快速輕鬆地測量。
作為一種輕便、堅實的儀器,MINI-PAM-II 與 MINI-PAM-II/POROMETER 是非常適合在現場以及溫室和實驗室中使用。它適用於快速篩選和高流量逆境評估,或使用既定參數執行(如誘導曲線或光度曲線)進行詳細的植物分析、評估
l 孔徑儀包圍葉子
l 1 cm 直徑樣品區域
l 用環境空氣灌注葉室
l 檢測通過氣孔蒸發的濕度
l 氣孔導度的測定和PAM分析
l 大量附加感測器數據
產品特點(Porometer Features):
l 用於測定葉片H2O蒸發量和環境濕度的濕度感測器
l 葉片溫度感測器
l 壓力感測器
l 流量感測器和非常安靜的泵
l 關閉機構壓力可調
l GPS模組,用於跟蹤田間應用中的樣品和太陽位置,並確定葉片上的太陽入射角
l 一種感測器,用於高精度測量葉片水準的光合有效輻射(PAR),為電子傳輸速率 (ETR) 計算提供可靠的光強度數據
l 深色遮罩,便於測定 Fo/FM 和受控光化光強度的測量值
l 環境 CO2 感測器,用於監測在實驗室或溫室條件下高度關注的環境 CO2 水準
操作原理(Operation Principle) -
規格說明(Specifications) -
設計:非常堅實的葉片室,具有直徑為 1 cm 的圓形樣品區域。一側以可調節的流速通風。釋放到氣流中的水蒸氣量由高精度濕度感測器確定。葉片溫度由位於腔室底部的紅外感測器測量。GPS 資訊由內置 GPS 接收器跟蹤。一個微型量子感測器位於樣品平面上。環境 CO2 值由位於孔隙計左下方朝外的 CO2 感測器監測。對於葉綠素 A 螢光測量,光纖埠將MINI-PAM/F 光纖相對於測量平面成 60° 角。包括三腳架安裝。
電源:MINI-PAM-II葉夾插座; MINI-PAM-II:6 AA(Mignon)可充電電池(Eneloop1.2 V / 2 Ah)為典型實驗提供超過6小時的電力。僅孔徑計就可以在最大流量下運行 9 小時以上。可輕鬆更換電池。
流量:50; 75; 100; 125; 150; 175或200 μmol s-1
相對濕度感測器精度:典型值 20-70 %相對濕度±1.0 %相對濕度; <20 %相對濕度和>70 %相對濕度 ±1.5 %相對濕度; ΔT = ±0.1 °C
壓力感測器精度:±0.1 kPa
環境 CO2 感測器精度:±(30 ppm + 讀數的3%)
流量計精度:±(1.5 % RD + 0.15 % FS) GPS 接收機精度:2.0 m CEP(圓誤差可能)
微量子感測器:用於選擇性PAR測量的LS-C感測器,範圍0至7000 μmol m-2s-1,餘弦校正光入射角,角度在-30°至+30°之間,與表面法線成-30°至+30°,內部前置放大器
參數:gs mmol m-2s-1; gt mmol m-2s-1; gb mmol m-2s-1; H2O in µmol mol-1; dH2O µmol mol-1; chamber pressure kPa, TLeaf °C; Flow in/out µmols-1; VPD Pa/kPa; E mmol m-2s-1; PAR µmol m-2s-1; GPS-location; GPS-orientation; sun-inclination
工作條件:-5至+45°C; 0-90%相對濕度(無冷凝); 30-110kPa
MINI-PAM/MINI-PAM-II 2035-B Leaf Clip MINI-PAM-II Porometer Leaf Clip
gs mmol m-2s-1: stomatal conductance; gb mmol m-2s-1: boundary layer conductance to water vapour
gc: cuticular conductance to water vapour; transpiration rate (E, mmol m-2s-1)
The Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC/MP records spectra of PAR in the visible and far red range. The MINI-SPEC/MP is, thus, well-suited to study effects of spectral variations of light on photosynthesis. The spectrometer can also be configured to measure sample reflectance which can be used as a proxy for the sample’s spectral absorption properties. Another configuration permits measurements of fluorescence emission spectra of samples where fluorescence excitation occurs either with blue or with green light. A reflectance standard and a special 160 cm cable connecting the MINI-SPEC/MP to the MINI-PAM-II are part of delivery.
Light, Temperature and Humidity Sensing Leaf Clip Holder 2035-B
The leaf clip 2035-B has been devised to record leaf temperature, light intensities at sample level and air humidity. The clip measures photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by an LS-C Mini Quantum Sensor, a NiCr-Ni thermocouple records leaf temperature, and a capacitive type, temperature-corrected humidity sensor measures relative humidity of air. Calibration factors of PAR and temperature sensors are stored on the internal memory of the leaf clip 2035-B. A second PAR sensor can be connected to the leaf clip. Measured data are sent as digital signals to the MINI-PAM-II. To facilitate studies under field conditions, fluorescence measurements can be triggered by pushing the control button of the leaf clip 2035-B.
Aluminum clip with small measuring area designed to position small leaves below the fiberoptics of the MINI-PAM-II. When combined with the 2065-M Mini Quantum/Temp.-Sensor, PAR on sample level and lower leaf temperature is recorded.
Precise mini quantum and temperature sensors usable independently or in conjunction with the 2060-B Arabidopsis Leaf Clip or the 2060-A Fiberoptics Holder for Surfaces.
The 2054-L external light source complements the internal actinic light of MINI-PAM-II fluorometers. The 2054-L can be easily attached to the 2035-B leaf clip. The external lamp provides light peaking at 630 nm (red), 520 nm (green), and 452 nm (blue), as well as white light. Each of the four channels has a standard maximum photon flux density of 1500 µmol m-2 s-1; the composition of colors is freely selectable. The light source is connected to the SYNC port of the MINI-PAM-II fluorometer and it is controlled by the MINI-PAM-II or by a computer running the WinControl-3 software.
The device is equipped with a specially modified stirrer plate to center and hold the KS-2500 Suspension Cuvette. The MKS-2500 Magnetic Stirrer comes with a Perspex base plate with stand bar for mounting fiberoptics on top of cuvette.
The fiberoptics adapter 90º can be attached to the leaf clips 2035-B and 2060-B to position the fiberoptics af the MINI-PAM-II at 90° angle relative to leaf plane.
The holder positions the fiberoptics of the MINI-PAM-II on bulky samples. Combinable with the 2065-M Mini Quantum/Temp.-Sensor, to measure temperature and impinging PAR of the surface area investigated.
The MINI-PAM/F1 is useful when small surfaces are to be investigated. It consists of a single coated plastic fiber which provides an active diameter of 2 mm.
The tripod serves for positioning of the Leaf Clip Holder 2035-B, the Mini Quantum/Temp.-Sensor 2065-M, or the Arabidopsis Leaf Clip 2060-B.
The barcode scanner is the ideal add-on when many differed samples are repeatedly probed. Simply mark your samples by barcodes. Then, the BCS-9590 scanner writes for each saturation pulse analysis the sample ID into the memory of the MINI-PAM-II or the report data in WinControl-3. The barcode scanner is connected to the COMP 1 or COMP 2 port of the MINI-PAM-II.
The color of light emitted by the primary LED distinguishes the BLUE from the RED version of the MINI-PAM-II fluorometer (Fig. 1). The BLUE version (MINI-PAM-II/B) possesses a blue LED emitting maximally around 475 nm which is replaced by a red LED emitting maximally around 655 nm in the RED version (MINI-PAM-II/R). Both versions have a second LED providing far red light for specific excitation of photosystem I.
Figure 1: Typical LED emission spectra normalized to their maxima. The blue curve corresponds to the spectrum of the blue LED of the MINI-PAM-II/B, the orange curve represents the red LED in the MINI-PAM-II/R. Both MINI-PAM-II versions possess a far red LED which emits maximally above 700 nm (rightmost curve). Max, peak wavelength in nm. FWHM, full width at half maximum in nm.
The second difference between the two versions is the spectral window for fluorescence detection. The BLUE version detects fluorescence at wavelengths > 630 nm but the RED version detects fluorescence at wavelengths > 700 nm (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Transmittance spectra of detection filters in the MINI-PAM-II-B (blue line) and MINI-PAM-II/R (orange line).
The detection window for fluorescence of the BLUE version extends to 640 nm but the RED version detects only fluorescence at wavelengths longer than 700 nm (Fig. 2). In principle, its extended range for fluorescence detection makes the BLUE version more sensitive than the RED version because photosystem II fluoresces at wavelength between 650 and 700 nm. In fully green leaves, however, a large part of this short wavelength fluorescence (650 - 700 nm) is reabsorbed by chlorophyll so that the gain in sensitivity of the BLUE version is moderate. When reabsorption (and also the fluorescence signal) is low, like in extremely bleached leaves, the increased sensitivity of the BLUE version can be advantageous.
The MINI-PAM-II can be used to investigate lichens or photosynthetic microbial mats. Cyanobacteria present in these mats often absorb poorly in the blue. Therefore, the RED version is normally preferred in studies of cyanobacteria.
Blue actinic light of the MINI-PAM-II/B excites the broad short wavelength band of the major light-harvesting complex of photosystem II in higher plants (LHC II). Red light of the MINI-PAM-II/R excites the comparably minor long-wavelength band of the LHC II. Hence, if LHC II excitation is important, the BLUE version is recommended.
Blue is absorbed by blue light photoreceptors which can stimulate plant responses like chloroplast relocation and stomatal movements. Therefore, the BLUE version can be advantageous when blue light responses are of interest. Blue light-driven chloroplast relocation, however, can affect the fluorescence signal by changing the efficiency of light absorption which is difficult to distinguish from the effects of high-energy fluorescence quenching on fluorescence.
The new MINI-PAM-II fluorometer combines the merits of its predecessor “MINI-PAM” with most modern LED and computer technology.
Sensitivity, small dimensions, reliability under rugged conditions, and simple execution of fluorescence analysis makes the MINI-PAM-II the new standard for PAM fluorometry in field research.
Well-tested fiberoptics with 5.5 mm or 2 mm active diameter reaches even hidden samples.
Measurements under field conditions are easily controlled and monitored by a transflective touchscreen.
Energy-efficient LED sources, storage capacity of 27,000 data sets, and easy replaceable off-the-shelf batteries permit long term research campaigns at remote places.
A new fully digital leaf clip combines fluorescence analysis with measurements of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf temperature and relative humidity.
Expandable through accessories such as external multicolor lamp, optical oxygen sensor and barcode scanner.
Microsecond timing enables the MINI-PAM-II fluorometer to use the same LED as source for PAM measuring light, actinic light and saturation pulses. Measuring light corresponds to μs flashes of constant amplitude, actinic light is quasi-constant light employed to drive photosynthesis, and saturation pulses temporarily saturate primary photosynthesis so that all photosystem II reaction centers are “closed”.
Being a PAM fluorometer, the MINI-PAM-II device records only the fluorescence elicited by measuring light. Fluorescence excited by internal actinic light, saturation pulses or constant external light, like sun radiation, is not measured. Therefore, the MINI-PAM-II determines how environmental factors modulate the efficiency of conversion of measuring light into fluorescence. These “PAM fluorescence data” are required to retrieve information on primary photosynthesis like the photosynthetic efficiency of photosystem II, Y(II).
A second LED in the MINI-PAM-II emits far red light. This LED preferably excites photosystem I but is negligibly absorbed by photosystem II. A special measuring routine uses this far red LED to determine the F0’ fluorescence level which is important to correctly assess the reduction state of photosystem II reaction centers.
In experiments using internal actinic light, the light intensity at sample level can be monitored online using an internal light sensor. This internal sensor must be calibrated against an external light sensor.