Calibration standards

With our calibration standards you can check the accuracy of the drop shape analysis carried out by your instrument and validate the optical measuring equipment. The standards consist of glass slides with modeled drop shapes which have been accurately calculated and printed with high precision.


CP70/CP70C – Standard with shapes of sessile and pendant drops for the Young-Laplace method

The drop shape standard CP70/CP70C contains an arrangement of shapes printed on one slide which accurately follow the theoretical drop shape according to Young-Laplace. Having all required drop shapes on one standard makes the calibration procedure especially easy and also allows carrying out automated calibrations.

The standard is used to calibrate the Young-Laplace method for measuring the contact angle and the surface tension. Shapes with contact angles of 30°, 60° and 120°, each for standard and microscope optics deviate by less than 0.1° from the nominal value. Equally precise are two shapes of pendant drops with nominal surface tension values of 30 mN/m and 70 mN/m with a maximum deviation of 0.01 mN/m. To support you in accurately aligning the slide to the camera, cross-wires are printed onto it on both sides.

The CP70C type of the standard additionally includes a certificate which confirms the high accuracy of the print.

CP21/CP22 – Sets of contact angle standards for the height-width method

The sets CP21 and CP22 each contain standards with shapes of exactly circular drops for calibrating the height-width methodand the circle method for measuring the contact angle. The shapes with contact angles of 30°, 60° and 120° deviate by less than 0.1° from the nominal value. The set CP22 additionally includes a certificate which confirms the high accuracy of the print.

CP29/CP33 – Standards for small contact angles with the circle method

The standards CP29 and CP33 are designed for calibrating the circle method for measuring contact angles in the lower range of this method. The printed shape with a contact angle of 10° is exactly circular. The deviation from the nominal value is less than 0.1°. The standard CP33 is supplied with an additional certificate which confirms the high accuracy of the print.

Dosing units, syringes, needles, cuvettes

We provide reliable dosing solutions for static or dynamic contact angle, interfacial tension measurements and many other special cases. Our dosing accessories equip your instrument for all tasks relating to the production and placing of drops.


DS3252 – Double-dosing unit for extremely fast, fully automatic SFE measurements

Our DS3252 double-dosing module performs fully automated surface free energy (SFE) determinations, using an automation program in our ADVANCE software. The dosing unit has two pressure dosing mechanisms working in parallel, each simultaneously dispensing one drop of the test liquids water and diiodomethane onto the sample.

For carrying out the drop shape analysis, the image field of the high resolution camera is split into two video windows for viewing both drops at the same time in order to analyze the drops in parallel. The software then uses the resulting contact angles to calculate the SFE of the solid. The entire process, from the point when dosing starts up to the SFE calculation, is fully automatic and complete within a second. For this innovative measuring method, we hold a patent regarding the novel dosing technology.

The kinetic energy of the dosing process – despite its speed – is equivalent to gently dispensing a drop from a dosing needle. Most importantly, this noncontact method eliminates the risk of contamination or damage caused by inadvertently touching the sample. Cartridges, that operators can remove quickly and fill directly with test liquids, make the dosing system easy to handle. One filling is enough for approximately 1000 SFE determinations.

The dosing unit DS3252 requires our CF03 USB camera.

In addition to the dosing unit, the following components are also included in the scope of supply:

  • 10 cartridges with Luer-Lock connector: 5 transparent for water and 5 brown for diiodomethane

  • 10 disposable syringes (1 mL) with Luer connector

  • 10 Luer-Lock adapters

  • 1 transparent and 1 brown 25 mL glass bottle for test liquids

  • Tool for easy removal of cartridges from the dosing unit

  • Cleaning set for the dosing valves

The first three positions on this list are also available as spare part set SP52.

SY20 – 500 µL glass syringe with Luer-Lock connector

The precision glass syringe SY20 is used for our manual dosing unit DS3205 or software-controlled dosing units D03211/DO4011 for one liquid. The gas-tightness of the syringe plunger and the Luer-Lock connector ensure that drops are dosed in a controlled manner even with low-viscosity liquids.

SY3601 – Disposable 1 mL syringe with Luer connector (100 pieces)

The syringe SY3601 can be fitted to many of our manual and software-controlled dosing solutions and can be used for almost all liquids. It is particularly suitable for dosing highly contaminating substances such as adhesives or paints. The Luer connector ensures safe, gas-tight connections to needles and other dosing components. The syringe is supplied in sets of 100.

NE93/NE96 – Needle sets for surface and interfacial tension

The choice of a suitable needle diameter maximizes the accuracy of surface and interfacial tension measurements using the Pendant Drop method.
For this purpose, the needle set NE96 (top picture) contains stainless steel needles with a length of 38 mm and different outside diameters (0.5/1.0/2.0/3.0 mm), in order to achieve an ideal drop shape for analysis in every measuring range.In the set NE93 (bottom picture), the four different needles are also PTFE-coated and optimize the analysis of liquids with good wetting properties. The coating prevents external wetting of the needle and ensures absolutely symmetrical drop shapes.

NE94 – Set of disposable needles for contact angle and pendant drop

The needle assortment NE94 provides a range of suitable needles for measuring contact angle as well as surface and interfacial tension (SFT/IFT) using the Pendant Drop method. Steel, PP and PTFE needles with a length of 38 mm and different diameters enable optimal dosing for solids and liquids with different wetting behavior. All needles have a Luer-Lock connector for secure attachment to all single and multi-dosing units.

Contents of the set:

  • 5 steel needles with 1.8 mm diameter (SFT/IFT)

  • 5 steel needles with 0.5 mm diameter (contact angle)

  • 5 PTFE needles with 2.0 mm diameter (SFT/IFT)

  • 5 PTFE needles with 1.0 mm diameter (SFT/IFT)

  • 5 PTFE needles with 0.5 mm diameter (contact angle)

  • 5 PP needles (flexible syringe) with 0.7 mm diameter (contact angle)

NE97 – Needle set for measurements on rising air bubbles or drops

The set NE97 with three J-shaped needles has been put together especially for measurements with the Captive Bubble method and with rising drops. The 0.5 mm diameter needle enables highly energetic, structured or pre-wetted surfaces (e.g. contact lenses) to be analyzed. With two further needles (1.0 and 2.0 mm), the interfacial tension can be measured on rising drops. This enables systems such as crude oil/water, in which the lighter phase is not transparent, to be analyzed optically.

NE50 – Needle for dosing small volumes

The needle NE50 with 5 µm internal diameter has been designed for the manual dosing of small volumes below the microliter range. The water-repellent surface lets drops detach easily from the needle and allows to place them accurately in the required position on your sample. Please also see our accessories for dosing drops in the picoliter range and the analysis of minute probes using microscope lenses.

SC01/SC02 – Glass cuvettes for pendant drop and contact angle measurement in liquid

The glass cuvettes SC01 and SC02 accommodate the bulk phase when measuring the interfacial tension using the Pendant Drop method. When measuring surface tension, the cuvettes screen the dosed drop against air currents. With the smaller cuvette SC01 (top picture), this is also ensured by an additional cover which additionally prevents the drop evaporating. The smaller cuvette SC01 can be used when taking measurements in a temperature controlled chamber for measuring interfacial temperature as a function of temperature.

Because of its larger design, the SC02 (bottom picture) is particularly suitable for measuring the contact angle in the bulk liquid. Both cuvettes are made of high-quality optical glass. As a result, drops are displayed without distortion, thus guaranteeing an accurate analysis of the drop shape.

Overview of both products:

  • SC01: Cuvette with inner dimensions 20 × 20 × 24 mm (W × D × H), with cover, can be used in temperature controlled chambers

  • SC02: Cuvette with inner dimensions 36 × 36 × 30 mm, particularly suitable for measuring the contact angle in the bulk liquid.

DSA25 accessories

With the comprehensive range of accessories for our Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25, you can not only extend the scope of your instrument, but also adapt the measuring conditions exactly to suit your individual samples and requirements.

Sample tables, axes and sample holders

A large selection of sample tables, axes and sample holders make it easy for you to position your special sample. Also, many solutions are available for the measurement of particular sample shapes and surface properties.


PA4020 – DSA25 tilting device

The tilting device PA4020 is our special unit for the flexible analysis of inclined surfaces with the DSA25. The tilt which leads to the drop running off as well as the advancing and receding contact angle of the moving drop lead to conclusions concerning roughness and adhesion of the sample.

Furthermore, the roll-off angle is informative for ultra­hydrophobic samples and is accurately measured with slow tilt movements. To determine this parameter precisely, our ADVANCE software detects the coordinates of the three-phase points, which indicate the position of the drop in the camera image. The change in these coordinates can be measured accurately, yielding an objective criterion for detecting the roll-off angle.

As the whole instrument is tilted, the surface is always in the same position relative to the lens. This makes the video evaluation very easy, and changes in the drop can also be tracked visually. Almost all other measuring methods and options provided by your instrument can be used without changing the setup. The tilting movement and related measurements can be embedded in automatic measuring sequences.

  • Angle of inclination up to 90° with a resolution of 0.1°

  • Tilt speed from 0.1°/s to 4.5°/s

PS3244 – Manual micro positioning table

The sample table PS3244 is designed for the ultra-precise positioning of small samples. Manual fine drives for the x- and y-direction enable the table to be moved to the required measuring position with pinpoint accuracy. Samples with heights up to 2 mm can be securely fixed using the versatile, attachable sample holder.

ST3210 – Vacuum table

The vacuum table ST3210 has a permeable tabletop through the pores of which samples are drawn homogeneously on a large area of 150 × 220 mm. The table ensures a flat and easy-to-analyze surface when carrying out measurements on films as well as samples with only low elasticity or softness. It can be mounted flexibly on horizontal movement axes or (with DSA100 and DSA30) on a rotation axis. A vacuum pump, which is required for operating the table, can be obtained from us.

ST10 – Set for measuring contact angle in bulk liquid

We have developed the sample holder and dosing set ST10 for measuring contact angle in a bulk liquid phase. Gas bubbles (Captive Bubble) or drops are dosed beneath the sample with the help of the set’s special needle and cuvette, e.g. for analyzing hydrogels and highly energetic and structured surfaces. The special holders optimize measurements on contact lenses, films and textiles as well as on rigid samples.

ST01 – Suction plate for soft, flexible samples (foils, films)

The suction plate ST01 ensures that a smooth, flat surface is achieved with foils, films and similar samples. This guarantees a reliable and precise measurement of the contact angle on such soft, flexible materials. The wide area of 100 × 100 mm creates space for a large number of dosed drops. A vacuum pump, which is required for operating the plate, can be obtained from us.

VP01 – Vacuum pump

The vacuum pump VP01 is a useful aid which can be used with many of our measuring instruments for the following purposes: 

  • Degassing of liquids for picoliter dosing units or for interfacial rheology to prevent the formation of troublesome air bubbles (with additional connector set SP01)

  • Removal of dosed drops when measuring contact angle to enable several positions along the optical axis to be analyzed (with additional connector set SP01)

  • Flushing the tiny dosing opening of picoliter dosing units (with additional connector set SP01)

  • Producing the vacuum for fixing foils and films for the suction table ST01

  • Use of the vacuum for the filter base cleaning tool TO4501 for the Dynamic Foam Analyzer – DFA100

ST03 – Powder sample holder for optical contact angle measurements

The powder sample holder ST03 is a sample table adapter with three depressions for measuring the contact angle on powder beds. The depressions are filled with powder which is then smoothed out resulting in flat surfaces for dosing liquids. The three separate areas enable at least three positions to be analyzed without being affected by adjacent drops, even in the case of absorbent powders. Please also refer to the alternative Washburn-Method for powder contact angle with our Force Tensiometer – K100.

ST04 – Sample holder for foils and paper

We have designed the special sample holder ST04 for measuring contact angle on foils and paper. The clamping device ensures an ideally smooth, flat surface, even with corrugated and rolled samples. The holder takes samples with a surface area of 80 × 80 mm and a thickness of up to 4 mm.

ST08 – Holder for uneven samples

When measuring the contact angle on uneven samples, dosing must be carried out on a raised point in order to obtain an analyzable shadow image of the drop. For this purpose, the sample table adapter ST08 has a domed shape, over which the samples are tightened with the help of a magnetic clamping device. Combining with horizontal axes enables several measurements to be made in quick succession by dosing accurately along the crest.

Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25B

The basic instrument for measuring contact angle

The basic configuration of our Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25 is suitable for accurately measuring the contact angle with a test liquid. The instrument is ideal for high-speed wetting tests, for example for checking a coating or pre-treatment process and the wetting of a coating substance.

Thanks to the fine adjustment of our manual dosing unit, the drop is dispensed in an accurately controlled manner. The size of the drop is therefore highly reproducible and provides a good comparison of results. The quickly replaceable syringe allows a rapid changeover between different liquids, thus enabling a high sample throughput to be achieved with the instrument. Our specially developed depositing mechanism ensures gentle contact between sample and liquid. This enables the contact angle to be measured with high accuracy, as undesirable pre-wetting is avoided.

The standard lens of the DSA25B can be upgraded to a zoom lens. This enables even small drops to be displayed in the image with an optimum width, and to be analyzed with high accuracy.


  • Manual lift table (z-axis)

  • Manual single-dosing unit

  • Fixed-focus lens

  • Camera with 1200 × 800 px at 200 fps to 90 × 60 px at 2000 fps resolution

  • Very bright, homgenous LED illumination

  • Software for measuring contact angle

Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25S

The basic instrument for measuring surface free energy

The standard version of our Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25 measures the contact angle with high precision and determines the surface free energy by carrying out measurements with several liquids. Our DSA25S provides rapid results for the wettability of a surface, for example for checking the quality of a cleaning or pre-treatment process.

The faithful display of the drop is facilitated by a high-quality zoom lens, which enables even small drops to be represented with optimum width, thus guaranteeing a precise measurement of the contact angle.

Dosing is carried out under software control with accurately adjustable drop volumes to ensure comparable results. Accurately controlled dosing dynamics enable the advancing and receding angles to be measured precisely. This dosing mode enables local inhomogeneities to be averaged out and therefore a reliable measurement to be recorded.

Our software can automatically start the measurement process immediately after dosing, thus enabling raw data to be recorded without losing any time and the results to be made available straight away. Easy-to-change syringes save even more time.

Our DSA25S standard version can be upgraded to the DSA25E expert instrument. The DSA25E provides software-controlled double-dosing and also enables the surface tension of a liquid to be measured.


  • Manual lift table (z-axis)

  • Software-controlled single-dosing unit

  • Zoom lens

  • Camera with 1200 × 800 px at 200 fps to 90 × 60 px at 2000 fps resolution

  • Very bright, homgenous LED illumination

  • Software for measuring contact angle and surface free energy of solids

Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25E

The basic instrument for analyzing wettability and coating quality

In its expert configuration, our Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25 is designed for determining the contact angle and surface free energy of solids as well as the surface tension of liquids. The flexible combination of measuring methods enables you to evaluate the interaction between solid and liquid properties, and therefore to check the quality of wetting and coating processes.

The instrument is equipped with a software-controlled double-dosing feature to enable the surface free energy to be determined quickly and precisely. Along with the rapid changeover of test liquids, the advantage of the system lies in the particularly good reproducibility of drop volumes for accurately repeatable measuring conditions.

The software can automatically start the measurement process immediately after dosing, so that raw data can be recorded without losing any time. Precise measurements of the advancing and receding angle are also possible thanks to the controlled dosing feed. This measuring mode enables local inhomogeneities to be averaged out and therefore a reliable measurement to be analyzed.

Our high-quality zoom lens enables the drop to be faithfully displayed by optimizing the display width of the drop, which increases the accuracy of the measurement.

The surface tension of liquids can also be measured using the pendant drop method without reconfiguring the instrument. An overall picture of the wetting process is obtained from the combined analysis for liquids and solids. This comprehensive analysis enables the adhesion and the long-term stability of the coating, for example, to be calculated.


  • Manual lift table (z-axis)

  • Software-controlled double-dosing unit

  • Zoom lens

  • Camera with 1200 × 800 px at 200 fps to 90 × 60 px at 2000 fps resolution

  • Very bright, homgenous LED illumination

  • Software for measuring contact angle, surface free energy of solids and surface tension of liquids

Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25

The precision basic instrument for wetting investigations

Our Drop Shape Analyzer – DSA25 is an easy-to-use, reliable instrument for measuring contact angle. From a simple wetting test to the accurate measurement of surface free energy (SFE), the robust instrument provides flexible options for analyzing wetting and adhesion on solid surfaces. Its rapid, manual operation makes our DSA25 outstandingly suitable for occasional wetting measurements with changing tasks and sample types.

Well-conceived details for reliable measurement

The uniform lighting and high-quality optical components ensure that the dispensed drop is portrayed with the correct shape, and that the contact angle is measured reliably. The sample is quickly moved to the required measuring height using our finely adjustable lift table. The table can be easily moved and the required dosing position quickly set thanks to the magnetic fixing.

With dosing units for one or two liquids, the instrument is suitably equipped for simple wetting tests or for measuring surface free energy. With the software-controlled variant, the dosing dynamics can be accurately adjusted in order to make exact measurements of advancing and receding angles. As an alternative, our pressurized double-dosing unit allows measuring the SFE extremely fast and reliable, using our novel, scientifically validated dosing technique, the Liquid Needle.

Flexible accessories and extended measuring options

Process conditions can be ideally simulated using our precision temperature-control methods and other accessories. This enables wetting processes to be optimized in relation to the process. For example, contact angle measurements can be carried out at accurately controlled temperatures between -30 and 400°C or at exactly set humidities.

As well as measuring the contact angle, the DSA25 can also measure the surface tension of liquids using the Pendant Drop method. The results illustrate the relationship between the wetting of the solid and the properties of the liquid, and therefore enable the two components concerned to be optimized.

ADVANCE – our intuitive software solution for your measurement tasks

The simple operation of the instrument goes hand-in-hand with the clear user guidance of our ADVANCE software. The relevant functions for each particular step are arranged in tiles which display all elements necessary in the context. By avoiding the use of menus and pop-ups, ADVANCE saves any unnecessary clicks and time-consuming searches for hidden elements. Particularly comfortable is the programming of automatic sequences that integrate the software-controlled components of the DSA25 in complete sample analyses with maximum flexibility. Using these automation programs provides high reproducibility and reduces the user’s influence on the results to a minimum.

Tasks and applications

  • Characterization of surface pre-treatment processes

  • Checking the wettability of plastic, glass, ceramic, wood or metal

  • Checking surface cleanliness

Measuring methods and options

  • Contact angle between a liquid and a solid

  • Surface free energy from contact angles of several test liquids using all common models

  • Static contact angle, advancing angle and receding angle

  • Measurement of surface tension and liquid-liquid interfacial tension using the Pendant Drop method

  • Temperature-controlled measurements from -30 to 400°C

  • Measurements at controlled humidity

Accessories (selection)

This list includes a selection of components which are not included in one of the DSA25 versions listed on the right.

  • Temperature controlled chamber for large samples from -10 to 120°C

  • Temperature controlled chamber for rapid temperature changes from -30 to 160°C

  • Temperature controlled chamber for high temperatures up to 400°C

  • Module for controlling humidity

  • External tilting table

  • Special sample holders, for example for cylindrical samples, films, contact lenses or powders

  • Dosing accessory for Captive Bubble measurements or measurement of the liquid-liquid interfacial tension